Last fall I talked about how much I loved Foundation and how quick it made development. I finished Fotogoraphia, which was the first theme I created that used the Foundation framework (with some help from JointsWP). It took me only a couple of weeks to finish it, and that’s only because I got busy with classwork and The Daily Texan work during development.
But I broke a personal record with VideoPlace. I started development on Jan. 1 and the main development finished Jan. 3. It only took me three days to get the bulk of the theme completed, which makes me happy and nervous that I might have missed something.
Now, there are some things that were working in my favor. For one, VideoPlace is not as complicated as the other themes, not that it’s a bad thing. There’s no top posts slider. No weird home page layout. No images that need to go the full width of the page. Instead, the most challenging part was pulling an embedded video out of the post to display elsewhere on the page.
Everything else was simple. And the simpleness, combined with the built in responsiveness of Foundation made everything quick and easy.
As for where things go from here, there are still some things that need to be worked out. Small details will need fixing and testing needs to happen before I submit it for review. The ReadMe.txt has to be created and I’m in the process of setting up the demo site for prospective users to check out.
But three days of development, albeit over the holiday, is something I wish I could do more often with everything.
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