- Updated the block to work with the way Gutenberg and the block editor work.
- Refactor the entire plugin to use an object-oriented programming paradigm.
- Upped the lowest PHP version supported to 7.0.
- Tested to work with WordPress 5.7.1.
- Added the Read More About Gutenberg block.
- Tested with WordPress 5.3.
- Added support to show the read more about section on pages as well as posts.
- Added a description field for each link for added background if need be.
- Tested with WordPress 4.8.
- Added a widget to show the additional links in the sidebar rather than in the post if the user wishes.
- Tested with WordPress 4.7.
- Removed styles for the ‘Read More About’ section header and article titles so that they match with the current theme.
- Fixed issue with translations not loading.
- Tested with WordPress 4.6.
- Allowed user to move around the order of the links.
- Added an option for a light or dark color scheme.
- Tested with WordPress 4.5.
- Removed ‘http:’ from wp_enqueue_scripts for Google fonts.
- Fixed error with no ending <div> tag in the read more section.
- Changed the style of the read more section. Background is now white with a slight box shadow.
- Fixed issue with internal link dropdown not showing initially in the editor screen.
- Initial release to the WordPress plugins repository.