ThemeForest is a hot place to go for pre-built WordPress themes. And it’s not without reason.
There are over 1,300 WordPress themes marked “ecommerce” in the shop. And it helps that a lot of them sell for under $100. So they become appetizing for folks looking to set up a custom theme on a cheap budget.
I still recommend that if you’re serious about having an online store for your business that you have someone build you a custom website. But if you’re just trying to get in the market on a small budget, let’s talk through some of my favorite ecommerce themes on ThemeForest.
Words of warning
So before we dive into some of these ecommerce themes, I want to give you a little bit of a warning about getting themes off of ThemeForest.
Unlike themes in the WordPress theme directory and even StudioPress’ shop, these themes don’t go through a rigorous examination to make sure they follow WordPress standards. As long as it looks good and the code is up their standards (doesn’t have any malicious code, runs fine, etc.), it will get added.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it can mean that there could be some issues that wouldn’t appear from themes from those other places. The biggest one I’ve found personally is the lack of separation , which resulted in me losing custom post types for a hot minute when I switched to a custom theme (before adding in the necessary code).
All of this is to say, just be careful when picking pre-built themes here and in a lot of other marketplaces. Who knows what you’re going to end up with under the hood.
Now for the themes.

Exponent is quite the interesting theme, isn’t it. Really, it’s multiple themes in one. And you can pick anyone of them that works for your business. It becomes extremely versatile.
Plus, the designs look great. There’s not a whole lot of clutter. And it walks the line between minimalist and having an intriguing and engaging look so well. Even if you don’t purchase this, there are definitely some things you can get out of this design-wise.
It is, however, a page builder, which makes things a lot trickier. This could very well lock you into having to use this theme for a long time, or take forever (or pay money) to clean up some of the code if you move off of them. Page builders tend to insert shortcodes, though I’m not sure how they’re managing the move to Gutenberg.
Still, the designs here are strong, and they’re going to get people interested in what you’re selling. So it’s not a bad choice at all to go with Exponent.
Let’s Build You a Strong, Stunning Website for Half the Time and Half the Cost
New websites are great. There’s that new website smell, the exciting launch and the rejuvenation of a brand. But getting that new website can be challenging. It takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money. So if you need a new website, but don’t have the time or funds, let’s work with you to find a pre-built WordPress theme and change it to match your business and brand. You’ll have a great new website with a digital marketing foundation in half the time and for half the cost.
Let’s Build That New WebsiteHermes

Hermes is also another high quality theme off of ThemeForest for ecommerce websites. It’s simple and modern, yet it packs in a lot of information and photos without cluttering up the space too much. You can clearly show off what you sell without overloading the customer.
It’s also ready to roll with WooCommerce, which makes getting started quite the breeze for you. And added integration with Google Fonts makes changing the fonts pretty easy. Plus, customizable layouts and colors can help you stand out from others who might be using the theme.
I do have one point of contention here though. It makes easy to create popups on page load. That is a no go for me. It’s just on the homepage, but it’s still too much. No one likes pop ups anymore, so please don’t use it.
Otherwise, this is a really good theme that you can use for your online store.

Finally, we have Cariana, which, like Exponent, has a top feature of having a lot of options for you. There are 20 different homepage options, and they’re all really good.
Like the other two on this list, it works with WooCommerce, so it will be pretty easy to set up. And it does a great job of displaying all of the photos and information. I feel like I can look through and see a lot of products and information, but not feel overwhelmed. There’s no pressure, which is a plus in my mind.
If there’s one thing that I would critique about this design is a little bit too white and black. Like, I feel as though there is some color missing. But with the use of a child theme and maybe some custom color options, you should be able to put your business’ colors on it and spruce it up a bit.
Also, please do not use the popup thing included in this. I’m leaving your site if you do.
But all in all, I don’t think you can go wrong with this.
So there you go. Those are some of my selections for the top ecommerce themes available on ThemeForest. But as always, go through the list and see for yourself. Remember to go through all of the themes with a careful eye and find the one that works for you.
That’s what matters in the end.