• Creating a Plan for Your New Small Business Website

    Creating a Plan for Your New Small Business Website

    Failing to plan is planning to fail. If you’re going to create a new website for your business, you first need to plan it out so that you’re successful. Planning, however, can seem like a daunting task. There are a lot of things to think about and getting started can feel overwhelming. So in today’s…

    Watch Video: Creating a Plan for Your New Small Business Website
  • Creating Content for Your New Business Website

    Creating Content for Your New Business Website

    Content is the most important part of your website — not the design, not the fancy animations and not the tech stack underneath. The content is what’s going to help people who come to your website become clients and customers for your business. So yeah, it’s an extremely important part of the process. But it…

    Watch Video: Creating Content for Your New Business Website
  • What You Need Before You Build a New Website

    What You Need Before You Build a New Website

    So at this point we know we need to create a new website and now we’ve figured out what platform we’re going to use to build this new website. Now it’s time to figure out what we need for this new site. This is a crucial step because taking time now to start to plan…

    Watch Video: What You Need Before You Build a New Website
  • Your Best Options for Creating a New Website

    Your Best Options for Creating a New Website

    When it comes to creating a new website for your business, there are a lot of great options to build it. You have super simple things like Facebook Marketplace and Etsy. There’s always Wix and Squarespace, which the commercials tell you make it easy to create a website in minutes. There’s Shopify, which allows you…

    Watch Video: Your Best Options for Creating a New Website
  • Why Websites Cost So Much (and how to lower that cost)

    Why Websites Cost So Much (and how to lower that cost)

    One reason you might be hesitant to create a new website for your business is the cost of a website. Yes, creating a custom website is expensive. The going rate these days seems to be around $5,000. But that price is for a custom website. There are good reasons for that price, and there are…

    Watch Video: Why Websites Cost So Much (and how to lower that cost)
  • Why Your Business Needs to Have a Website

    Why Your Business Needs to Have a Website

    You need to have a website. Whether you have a business or if you’re a freelancer or even if you’re not, you need to have a website. A website is place that you can call your home online. You can do whatever you want. You can get found more easily in Google searches. You can…

    Watch Video: Why Your Business Needs to Have a Website
  • What is a website, anyway?

    What is a website?

    So what is a website, anyway? No seriously, what exactly is a website. Sure, there’s the super simple answer. It’s just a collection of HTML files on a server and a domain name pointing to that server. But in reality, a website that’s going to help your business grow is so much more than that.…

    Watch Video: What is a website?
  • So You Want to Create a New Website

    So you want to create a new website?

    So you want to create a website for yourself or your business? That’s great. But creating a successful website that’s going to help your business is a challenge. You have to plan it out, figure out a budget, determine if you’re going to create the website yourself, finding someone to build the website, actually creating…

    Watch Video: So you want to create a new website?