How to Properly Show Videos on Your Website
Watch Video: How to Properly Show Videos on Your WebsitePeople love videos. And they are a great way to show off who you are, what your business does and more. But videos are a drain on website resources. So here’s how to properly show videos on your site.
Creating Web Funnels for Your Website
Watch Video: Creating Web Funnels for Your WebsiteSo you probably know how many people are completing your sales process. But how many people start the process and then drop out? Do you even know how to track that information? That’s where funnels come into play.
Getting Started with Google Search Console
Watch Video: Getting Started with Google Search ConsoleGoogle Analytics is a great start to begin with gathering analytics data about our website. But it has one glaring blind spot: search statistics. Fortunately, we can use Google Search Console to find all of those stats and a lot more. We can see where we are ranking and how many clicks we are getting…
Getting Started with Google Analytics
Watch Video: Getting Started with Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics is the standard bearer for web analytics tracking today. There is a lot of information you can get from what it is able to track. And you can use that information to figure out what elements are working on your website, what elements aren’t working and what you need to fix in order…
Sitemaps in SEO
Watch Video: Sitemaps in SEOSomething that you’re likely to come across in researching SEO is sitemaps. Sitemaps aren’t the biggest part of SEO, and you’ll want to focus your efforts on other aspects first. But they are crucial for getting search engines to index your website and show your pages in searches.
How linking affects SEO
Watch Video: How linking affects SEOThe main way that search engine crawlers get from web page to web page is through links. And it’s a way for them to figure out a website’s popularity. So if your website is linked to in a lot of places, the search engines are going to think your website is popular and rank it…
Keywords and SEO
Watch Video: Keywords and SEOWhen you go to Google to search for something, what do you put in? You put in keywords. So when you’re working on your SEO for your website, your content needs to be focused on keywords that your target market is searching for and trying to rank for them. So let’s talk more about keywords,…
Creating Goals for Your Website
Watch Video: Creating Goals for Your WebsiteSo happy new year! It’s that time again when people start setting goals that they’ll eventually break. But not you. You’re destined to set goals you for your business and your website that you’re going to keep through the next 365 days. But there’s just one problem here: how do you set goals for your…