Well, that turned out better than I had planned.
Earlier this week, I set my goal for the week to finish the home template and single post template. The home template was a bit of a challenge. I’m trying out some new things (or at least to me they’re new) with the featured posts slideshow and had four areas for other posts to be shown on the homepage. The single post template actually was quite simple, though there are somethings with the meta data (i.e. the date, the author, tags, etc.) that I hope turn out the way I expect them too. But I got that done in two days.
So then I moved on to the author, archives, category, search and tags templates. Those weren’t quite as difficult. Essentially you get one of those templates done and you just have to change the page title for the other templates. The only big difference comes with the author template, where I have to put the author bio and photo at the top of the page.
My one biggest concern with my speed of finishing templates is that I’m going to upload them to my testing site and things will fall apart. It’s happened before, but I was a bit more careless with that. Hopefully this time everything will fall right into place.
The two biggest challenges I see coming up are the theme options page, which will be tricky just to make sure I have all of the options I’ve written into the templates. Then will come the getting it just right part with making adjustments to the CSS and templates after getting it uploaded to the testing site and seeing what it all looks like in a browser.
But for now, I’m hoping to get to the comments template and the sidebar template and maybe the page template by the end of the weekend. I have a comments template that I use for my arena football site, but for some reason the gravatar photos aren’t showing up with it anymore, so I’m going to see if I can find a new one for this build.
But for now, there’s certainly a bit of enjoyment with the fact that I’m now ahead of schedule.