Computer screen with the Fotographia homepage

Nearing the end for Fotographia and good news with Giornalismo


It’s been a busy and fun last couple of weeks of web development for me.

Last week, Giornalismo was accepted into the WordPress Theme Directory and with it comes the end of just over a year’s worth of work on the theme. While the overall process from beginning to end wasn’t nearly as long as Nuovo, the payoff is still high. And even though the download numbers aren’t quite what they were with Nuovo, I still think this is a much better theme than Nuovo.

That has also led to really good development with Fotographia. I’m feeling the positive affects of using Foundation as the responsive part of development took very little time. The only issue I had was with the top menu bar moving around at the smaller screen size, but it was an easy fix.

My favorite part of the development so far has been the post preview slideshow. On the homepage or one of the archive pages, when the user hovers over a post, a slideshow of the attached images appears instead of the featured image. Since this is a photo-based theme, it works better than any excerpt could.

With the heavy part of development done, I’ve now set up a demo site, which also serves a dual purpose to house some of my railroad photos, and the theme page. Links to both are down below.

From now to the end of the month, I plan on doing extensive testing and cleaning of the code. It worked with Giornalismo and not taking quite as long for the review, so it should help once I submit Fotographia. But overall, I’m very happy with where I’m at in the development of the theme.

View Demo View Theme Page

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