Computer screen with the Giornalismo homepage

Learning how to HTML5


So now I’ve reached the fun part in creating this Giornalismo theme: the actual creating. Now is the time where things all come together and all of the ideas I’ve had in planning how this thing will work all get put into motion.

I can say that so far, there will be a lot of custom functions in the functions.php file in a bit of an effort to keep the code most people will see and try to edit in the header.php, home.php, etc. cleaner and more organized. And I do think that breaking the code into sections in the functions file will make it easier for beginners like I was to edit and feel more comfortable in diving into code.

And now for the super fun part: HTML5.

So this is my first chance to dive into the new HTML5. I’ve got a “For Dummies” book I’ve been reading and taking notes on about HTML5, but it still feels a bit daunting. Check that, it feels for like trying to figure out that Christmas present you’ve always wanted, but it’s a bit more complicated than what you expected. For example, the following code is my first attempt at using some of the new tags available in HTML5.

<article id="top-story" class="">
<section id="left-column" class="home-column">
<section id="right-column" class="home-column">
<section id="far-right-column" class="home-column">

Am I HTML5-ing right?

Anyway, I’ll get it figured out and if I’m wrong in that basic formatting, it will change (for those who may be cringing). But it should very fun in the process.

Happy coding, correct?


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