So it’s been a while. Actually that’s an understatement. It’s been about two months since I last touched the Nuovo theme, mostly because this semester has been killer.
But now that I feel like I’ve been able to get a handle on the semester, I’m looking to getting back into the saddle with theme.
The most glaring issues are more of how it looks, which is kind of normal since I’m not a graphics person… at least not yet anyway. But instead of taking on that big issue, I’m going for something more behind the scenes: the theme options page.
Originally, in the first draft of the theme, I thought I had this all figured out until I came across the need for check boxes to toggle the top menu and author bio on and off depending on the users preference. The only issue is that the tutorial I used doesn’t really work for check boxes.
So now the task is to go through and find a tutorial that will work with check boxes and drop down menus and completely overhaul the theme options page. Hopefully the tutorial I find will also allow me to organize the page into sections to make it easier for the user.
Once that’s done, it’ll be time to get going on the physical appearance of the theme. That will be a challenge.