• Screenshot of the WordPress 5.6 about page

    What to Expect with WordPress 5.6

    We’re nearing the end of 2020 and that means it’s time for the last major WordPress release of the year. WordPress 5.6 is slated to be released on Dec. 8 with updates to the block editor, PHP 8 support, a new default theme and more.

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  • Computer screen with the Nuovo homepage

    The start of what will be a very, very long process: building a WordPress theme

    So I’ve finally decided that I’m going to tackle the beast. That beast just so happens to be creating a WordPress theme and successfully getting it into the WordPress Theme Directory. I have learned from prior experiences that that is no easy task, but I can also say that I’ve learned a lot since then…

    Continue Reading: The start of what will be a very, very long process: building a WordPress theme