Getting started with a new theme
Continue Reading: Getting started with a new themeSo the last month or so has been a down period for me and WordPress. After sending off the initial version of Giornalismo and the 2.0 release of Nuovo, I haven’t been doing much work in developing on WordPress.
The blessing and curse of using Foundation
Continue Reading: The blessing and curse of using FoundationSo it’s been a couple of weeks since I started the process of creating my new theme, Fotographia. Since the last update, I’ve finished the mockups and begun the process of creating and styling the templates themselves.
Speedy development on VideoPlace thanks to Foundation
Continue Reading: Speedy development on VideoPlace thanks to FoundationFotographia, my first WordPress theme to use the Foundation framework, took a couple of weeks of development, though outside factors ballooned that number. But VideoPlace, using Foundation 6, took just three days to finish up the bulk of development.
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